The Hitachi S-4700 FE-SEM is a cold field emission high resolution scanning electron microscope. This SEM permits ultra high resolution imaging of thin films and semi-conductor materials on exceptionally clean specimens. It is also suitable for polymeric materials. The S-4700 is configured to detect secondary and backscattered electrons as well as characteristic X-rays. The system is fully automated and is operated via easy-to-use menu driven software. Specifications:
Accelerating voltage range: from 0.5 keV to 30 keV.
2.5 nm resolution at 1kV; 1.5 nm resolution at 15 kV.
Magnification range: from 30X to 500.000X.
PC-controlled five axis motorized stage.
Specimen stage rotation 360˚ in continuous mode.
Specimen tilt at 12mm working distance (WD) up to 45
Electron gun…. Cold cathode FE type
Extracting voltage… 0 to 6.5 KV
Type II stage